T6: Establishing a national research community on Digital Literacy and Computing Education


Forskere Ledere

In this session researchers present national research and development agendas on digital literacy in K12 education. Presentations will be in English.   

  • What digital literacy frameworks are defined and discussed at a national level?/ How do countries define computing education and digital literacy? 
  • What are the mayor research questions?  
  • What can Denmark learn from Norwegian experiences?

Talks i sessionen

Lars Bo Andersen
Københavns Professionshøjskole

The long-term sustainability of Digital Literacy and Computing Education – an infrastructural perspective

New educational subjects aimed at Digital Literacy and Computing Education are difficult to design but even more difficult to implement and make sustainable. Experience suggests that “implementation periods” should be counted in decades rather than years and that failures are lurking around every corner. This talk invite participants to debate and reflect on how research and researchers can help improve the sustainability of new Computing/Digital literacy subjects in schools. This is done by presenting the Danish Research Center for Digital Technology Comprehension as an ‘infrastructure’ for the social, material, political and organizational structures needed to sustain the new ‘Technology Comprehension’ subject area in Danish schools.

Greta Björk Gudmundsdottir
Universitetet i Oslo

Digital competence in Norway – where to next?

This lecture will provide an overview of the state of digital competence in Norwegian schools. With practical examples, Gudmundsdottir will present how digital competence is being addressed in schools and in teacher education. She will address both the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, with a special emphasis on digital responsibility and the importance of teachers’ professional digital competence.
Karl-Emil Kjær Bilstrup
Københavns Universitet

Tools and construction for critical reflection

This lecture will describe a national research agenda into how students and teachers can have hands-on experiences with the technical concepts and practices behind emerging digital technologies. Through this agenda, the Center for Computational Thinking & Design has explored what students should learn about AI, augmented reality, and cryptography – and how students can have concrete experiences with the possibilities and limitations of these technologies. Karl-Emil will describe how researchers have collaborated with teachers and schools to develop educational tools and activities that enable students to engage with the data science practices behind AI, the computer vision techniques behind augmented reality, and the encryption protocols behind cryptography. Based on this work, he will discuss how hands-on activities with the concepts and practices behind digital technologies are crucial for students’ ability to reflect on their implications and imagine alternative uses.

Andre talksessioner

T1: Sæt retning for teknologiforståelse

T2: Teknologiforståelse i fag

T3: Godt i gang med valgfaget

T4: Mange veje til teknologiforståelse

T5: Teknologiforståelse for alle